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Duy Anh

131 Articles

How to install Windows 11 theme on Ubuntu 22.04/24.04 LTS

If you have a fondness for Windows 11 but use Ubuntu, you can install Windows 11 theme on Ubuntu 22.04/24.04 to make Ubuntu resemble Windows 11.

Duy Anh By Duy Anh

How to Install Gnome Tweak Tool on Ubuntu 22.04 and 24.04

How to install Gnome Tweak Tool on Ubuntu 22.04 helps you customize the interface, icons, fonts, layout of components such as title bars, menus.

Duy Anh By Duy Anh

How to Add Custom Content After or Before a Post in WordPress

Add custom content before/after WordPress posts to display info, ads or any desired content. Attract readers, increase ad revenue & customize layout design.

Duy Anh By Duy Anh

Block indexing of unnecessary pages in Wordpress

Blocking indexing of unnecessary pages in WordPress is an effective SEO technique that helps improve Google's data crawling performance and your web ranking.

Duy Anh By Duy Anh

How to Disable New User Notification Email in WordPress

How to disable new user notification email in WordPress, enabling you to focus on more important tasks and skip unwanted emails.

Duy Anh By Duy Anh

How to Use the Block Editor in WooCommerce for Product Pages

Optimize WooCommerce product pages with the Block Editor for enhanced functionality beyond the limited options in the default classic editor.

Duy Anh By Duy Anh

How to Prevent Invalid AdSense Clicks in WordPress

Share effective methods to prevent invalid AdSense clicks, helping to protect your account and optimize your earnings.

Duy Anh By Duy Anh

Code Fix Website Slowdowns Caused by Adding Facebook Social

How to fix a website that slows down when adding Facebook social code, such as FB like/share, Facebook comments, or FB chat messenger.

Duy Anh By Duy Anh

How to Disable and Secure WP JSON API in WordPress

Securing the WordPress API and disabling the REST API (disable wp-json) are essential measures to ensure the safety of your website.

Duy Anh By Duy Anh

Why Ubuntu is the Perfect Linux Distribution for Developers

Why Ubuntu is the Perfect Linux Distribution for Developers? Ubuntu is one of the most widely used and popular Linux distributions, stable, reliable.

Duy Anh By Duy Anh

Why You Should Prefer Ubuntu LTS Over Normal Releases?

Is Ubuntu LTS genuinely guaranteed to be safe and stable? Let's delve into the discussion and explore the reasons why you should choose Ubuntu LTS

Duy Anh By Duy Anh

How to install Google Drive on Ubuntu 22.04 / 20.04 LTS

How to install Google Drive on Ubuntu 22.04 and 20.04 with Gnome, a great Google cloud service. It allows uploading, sharing, and syncing files across devices.

Duy Anh By Duy Anh